用 Python 画 Mandelbrot 集

Mandelbrot Set(曼德勃罗集)可能是分形图形中最有名的图形,关于它的介绍我就不多写了,有兴趣的可以参考这个链接 。下面是关于如何使用Python来画这个图形的尝试。

由于Python标准库中还没有对图形处理的支持,在此我使用了PIL 。先来看一张生成的图形:

Mandelbrot Set


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# z<n+1> = z<n> ^ 2 + c
# by oldj
# https://oldj.net/
# last update: 2010-10-22 22:02:05

import time
import Image, ImageDraw

g_size = (40, 30) # 图形最终尺寸
g_max_iteration = 256 # 最大迭代次数
g_bailout = 4 # 最大域
g_zoom = 2.5 / g_size[0] # 缩放参数
g_offset = (-g_size[0] * 0.25, 0) # 偏移量
g_HSL = (210, 80, 50) # HSL色彩基调

def draw(antialias = True):
	zi = 2 if antialias else 1 # antialias: 抗锯齿 size = [i * zi
	size = [i * zi for i in g_size]
	zoom = g_zoom / zi
	offset = [i * zi  for i in g_offset]
	bailout = g_bailout * zi
	img = Image.new("RGB", size, 0xffffff)
	dr = ImageDraw.Draw(img)

	print "painting Mandelbrot Set.."
	for xy, color in getPoints(size, offset, zoom):
		dr.point(xy, fill = color)
	print "100%n"

	del dr
	if antialias:
		img = img.resize(g_size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
	img.save("mandelbrot_set_%dx%d.png" % g_size)

def getPoints(size, offset, zoom, ti = 0, tstep = 1):

	def getRepeats(c):
		z = c
		repeats = 0
		while abs(z) < g_bailout and repeats < g_max_iteration:
			z = z * z + c
			repeats += 1
		return repeats

	def getColor(r):
		color = "hsl(0, 0%, 0%)"
		if r < g_max_iteration:
			v = 1.0 * r / g_max_iteration
			h = ch * (1 - v)
			s = cs
			l = cl * (1 + v)
			color = "hsl(%d, %d%%, %d%%)" % (h, s, l)
		return color

	xs, ys = size
	xw, yh = xs / 2, ys / 2
	xo, yo = offset
	ch, cs, cl = g_HSL

	progress = 0
	for iy in xrange(ys):
		p = iy * 100 / ys
		if iy % 10 == 0 and p != progress:
			print ("%d%%..." % p) # 显示进度
			progress = p
		for ix in xrange(ti, xs, tstep):
			x = (ix - xw + xo) * zoom
			y = (iy - yh + yo) * zoom
			c = complex(x, y)
			r = getRepeats(c)
			yield (ix, iy), getColor(r)

def main():
	t0 = time.time()
	t = time.time() - t0
	print "%dm%.3fs" % (t / 60, t % 60)

if __name__ == "__main__":




Mandelbrot Set Mandelbrot Set Mandelbrot Set

修改一下上面的代码,不难生成更多细节图片。不过,如果不想自己动手,也可以试一下XaoS 这个软件,通过它,你可以将Mandelbrot集的某个局部放大很多倍。当然,你会发现,无论放大了多少,Mandelbrot集始终有无穷无尽的变化与精致细节。




